Wednesday, February 09, 2011

My Exercise Physiologist says I'm just fine.

You may remember a few years ago when I had my BMI measured and I was considered "fair." Well I had a licensed, degreed professional tell me that those doctors/trainers/people are idiots. Her exact words. *Holding up arms in a victory sign*

My EP, Kolleen, told me that between 19 and 25 percent is a healthy amount of body fat for women. Women working on strength training or muscle slenderizing can go all the way down to 12%, but not lower than 12% - those are the scary muscle women with veins popping about. I have 20.7% body fat, which is in the recommended range. Thank you very much. I'd like to see if I can lose 1% body fat.

I asked my EP about calorie counting. Recently I've been tracking my calories online and I'm over the allotted 1,200-1,500 calories like, everyday. She told me I don't have a weight problem, and I don't need to count calories. (See why I like this woman?) I'm not going to count calories, but work for every single one. I'm also going to try and not over-eat.

I've signed up for 5 sessions with a personal trainer. I will learn something new - my sessions start next Tuesday.

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