Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Day 1

1 Starbucks low-fat Greek yoghurt
1 coffee
1 close-call nervous breakdown
1 burrito
3 miles ran
30 minutes core workout
131.5 pounds

It's been a better week. The close-call nervous breakdown of today was not the total-complete flip out of last week, when I realized that I'm sick of working in ho-hum mediocrity, and I'm better than this. So, there are about 30 resumes and cover letters out there with my name on it, which was accomplished in 2 days. Yes. 30 in 3 days.

Unknowing if I can keep up with the 10-resume-a-day pace for very long, I've decided to focus on personal fitness research because exercise is the only thing that makes me feel accomplished and normal. The interesting thing about research is that the author typically starts out wanting to learn more about one topic - in this case personal fitness - then the research turns out to be about something else completely. The author can not be stuck to a certain topic; the author must be able to go back and re-write, and re-hypothesize. This may begin research on my exercise habits, and end up a story about finding a lost relative, or meeting Kanye West. I'm open to change.

Since I'm a fan of researching theories dealing with life and exercise, I've come up with a few hypothesis:

Hypothesis #1: If I can set a personal half marathon record at my heaviest weight ever, then using exercise to accomplish a better looking body is a better choice. Being good-looking is really all that matters in society anyway. Clearly it didn't work when I tried to break a personal record and look better in the process. If I exercise to look better, maybe I'll set another personal record.

Hypothesis #2: If I can't figure out what the hell I'm doing in many aspects of my life, then it is time to seek professional help. I'm taking advantage of the free lifestyle coaching, fitness consultation, and free personal training session at my gym. Maybe by the end of this adventure I'll be seeing a psychologist too. I'm starting out small.

Hypothesis #3: There is no better time than the present to begin a new adventure. I'm beginning this "new" research on a Tuesday, and only 4 days before I go to Las Vegas. The next 4 days of exercise will be completely ruined by steak dinners, wine drinking, and Superbowl snacks. Then I'll have to start over again. But that's ok. When you're ready - you're ready.

1 comment:

sarah said...

I've missed The Fabulous Campaign. Also, I'd kill to be 131.5. Also, XO, no more panic attacks.