Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Seasonal TO DO

My TO DO list is growing both at work and at home, but the rain is making me feel quite unmotivated. What does one do when one is unmotivated...? Make a TO DO list, of course!

I suppose this evening would be a good one to get the sweaters and tweed pants out of boxes. That's kind of exciting, isn't it? Every time I get out the fall clothes, I'm excited to find a few articles that I've completely forgotten about. Perhaps it will be something bought on sale at the end of the season that was never worn more than once... Perhaps I will find that my fall wardrobe is boring and dusty and will have to venture out to find something new.

Another Fall TO DO is baking something. I only bake twice a year and it's only one of three things: banana bread, pumpkin pie or chocolate chip cookies.

Next on the list is buying furnishings. I've been in my apartment for 3 months and I haven't bought anything for my room. There are still pictures on the floor, there are still items in boxes. It's time to move in.

I'm going to buy/ put together a Halloween costume this year and go to a fabulous party. Both costume and party are TBD. My costume will be creative and not slutty. Come on people, how many slutty nurses, slutty devils, slutty cats do we need at one party - LAME!

I'll admit -- I'm sad about the end of summer. Looking back, I wish I would have taken a more exotic vacation or read a romance novel or, you know, something really SUMMERY. Oh well. I DO love Fall. Fall is Fabulous; it's winter that I'm not altogether crazy about. I was in Target two weeks ago, and those evil red and green decorations were already starting to take over. It wasn't even October! The only thing I like about Christmas is performing, and by performing I DO NOT mean Christmas caroling. Last winter my gym started playing carols in the locker room and I immediately put in a complaint. They eventually went away and I was happy.

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