Monday, October 02, 2006


I had to take the Jung Myers-Briggs test again for my Saturday class. My professor is a "certified" Jung Myers-Briggs proctor, so it MUST be right. (?) Right?

I'm supposedly an ENFP (now I'm a thinker and a perceiver)... Arg. I used to be an ENFJ but what I REALLY want to be is an ENTJ (a thinker and a judger).

An ENFP just seems a little "happy/slappy" for my tastes. I'm a feeler AND a perceiver - arg. Maybe this is why people have a hard time taking me seriously.

The ENFP supposedly hates order. I LOVE order, when I'm at work. Then again, I work with some of the most unorganized people ever (artists) so maybe my work ethic is just orderly in comparison.

When I am the artist, I find it good to have a mixture of both organization AND creativity - organized music scores and rehearsal management, but the ability to think creatively about the music, putting my own feelings and experiences into a performance to create a situation which ties me emotionally to melody, lyrics, etc.

I don't like to plan when I go on vacation; I don't like to do much of anything when I'm on vacation. Although, I still prefer to abide by airport and hotel schedules and HATE being late for shows - I just don't have an itinerary with a bunch of planned activities.

Of course it is all about percentages -- I'm off the charts an Extrovert and Intuitive, but it was a tie between Feeling-Thinking and Judging-Perceiving. So, I've decided the following:

I will never be an ENTP (that would just be too difficult)
At work, I'm an ENTJ (hard core)
When performing I'm an ENFJ (artists are VERY judgmental)
Most of the time, I'm an ENFP (fine, I can live with it)

1 comment:

Editor said...

I can tell that you're an ENFP by your am I. Yes, there are crazy moments but then there are those instances of genius and remarkable insight that I wouldn't trade.