Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A visitor in our midst

I am no longer dating Special K, and for what reason? Well, it seems he thinks I was dating other people, which is completely not true. I've decided there is nothing I can do. Either one of two things are going on here 1.) He is paranoid and sabotaging the relationship or 2.) He just wants out of the relationship, and has decided to play the victim.

So, how could this have been avoided?

Well, first of all, he could have included me in his activities. By inclusion, one feels they are getting the whole story and are not only being asked to hang out when it is convenient for the other person. Secondly, there were plenty of opportunities in which I tried to include Special K in my activities, and he usually seemed uninterested. By talking to any one of my friends he would have easily found out that I'm not dating anyone else -- he would have also seen me in my own comfortable context.

Unfortunately none of these things happened, so I believe, he took the underground railroad to Victimsville and decided to make ME look like the bad guy when, in fact, he just simply doesn't want to date anymore.

There are plenty of reasons why maybe we shouldn't date - distance probably being the largest factor. But, had he said, "Hey, it's too far. This isn't working out." Even if he would have said, "Hey, I want to date other people." That is also acceptable.

How can I clear my name and prove that I'm not a liar? Well, to expose myself completely by giving Special K the link to my blog, of course! I have nothing to hide. That's right -- go into the November archives, or oh, January is quite interesting... in fact, here are some helpful links:





I'm nothing if not bold.

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