Friday, August 04, 2006

Der Wochenende

(The weekend)

It's Friday. My desk WAS clean, earlier today. I was sifting through piles of files and papers and I could actually see the top of my desk (which, by the way, needs some 409). Suddenly, new piles and projects started to appear out of no where, I was receiving an email a minute and a phone call every 5 minutes. Damn. It's not easy being so competent - everyone wants you to do something, and you do it, because everyone else is so incompetent. I need to learn the art of delegation.

Tomorrow is Saturday and I'm moving to no-name Campbell and will have to explain to everyone back in the Midwest where Campbell, CA is located. I can just hear the conversation now: "Yes, Campbell, like the soup. It's in the Bay Area - San Francisco Bay Area, but I live in the South Bay. The Silicon Valley. No Silicon, like computer chips, not Silicone like breasts - that's L.A., and they are made of saline now. San Jose. No San Jose is NOT in Texas."

Sunday I hope to do very little.

Monday I turn a whopping 27 years old, which doesn't excite me at all. I have no plans, other than to 409 my desk at last. I would like to give a shout out to my girl, NB, who gave me this lovely e-card for my birthday last year. It's ironic and funny coming from a happily married woman, with whom you would never make out because she's one of your best friends. (Sorry guys.)


Arethusa said...

Happy Birthday! Welcome to 27. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, buddy.