Friday, November 09, 2007

Fabelhafte Fritag (Fabulous Friday)

I miss German. I really do. They don't celebrate Christmas for 3 months in Germany. They also don't have pumpkin flavored stuff, but, as of today, neither does Starbucks. No more pumpkin spice latte, and it's still about 2 WEEKS until Thanksgiving. They do have peppermint stuff, though... Blech!

In the search for "what to do next" I started looking at Kulturmanagement programs in Deutschland today. I would have to take a year to brush up on my German, and the program only offers an M.A. but it would be interesting. Alas, I'm still on the hunt for the perfect culminating degree. Need to meet with my advisor. Right now it seems Chicago, D.C. or Philadelphia have programs I might be interested in.

Other than growing pains, I've finally gotten rid of pains from my new running shoes. My Asics 2120s are almost broken in. YAY! I've run 17 miles since last Friday, including a long 7-mile run on Sunday. Good Job for me!

Other than that, Mr. Hot Date is away in Jamaica for vacation. :( I have no other hot date perspectives except for Special K who thinks we should get together for drinks sometime.(hmmm)Oh, and creepy stalker ex-boyfriend from 4 years ago who tends to call me every 6 months to see what's up. There ain't nothin' up, dude. I ignore you now. Bu-bye.


Helga said...

2120s are the BEST! They are my shoe of choice as well.

sarah said...

Okay, I bought 2120s because ALL the runner types online seem to think they're the best (and now I find I could have just asked my runner-type friends), and I'm totally not feelin' 'em. *sigh* Maybe because I'm not a runner type... Anyway, the reason I hit the comment button is because I think we're missing a Fabulous Friday post. Just keeping you accountable...