Monday, June 04, 2007

29 Days and Counting...

...until my summer officially begins. Seems my friend Saba and I will have a hard time aligning schedules for pedicures/ or pizza/sushi night in the next few weeks. Helga will be busy moving soon, Arethusa is busy getting her life in order after the honeymoon, and George is so busy that's he's completely disappeared. Busy ladies (and man.. ha).

This week's activities will include: 6 hours of rehearsals, 2 concerts, one class session, studying for next week's final, and hopefully getting in 4 days of exercise.

I just got asked last-minute to sing in a wedding... for FREE! HA! No way, Jose!

A colleague of mine made up a little partial-Haiku about the University Academic year, and it goes a little something like this:

Fall's fine. Winter's worse. Spring sucks.
That's the way it is.

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