Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Goldilocks tastes the Porridge

I just wish she could eat it up like this!

Unfortunately this Goldilocks doesn't yet know if the porridge is too cold, too hot, or just right. Goldilocks is a fan of oatmeal, but doesn't know if she's had porridge before, per say. It seems like it may be something she likes, yet maybe a little old fashioned for her tastes. Goldilocks is a very independent woman, but she's also sick of boring, cold cereal or conversely, burning her tongue.

Porridge and I met on a pub crawl, which was a lot of fun. I went with a group of pub crawl rookie friends. His group of friends were all of the pub crawl old-timers, there from the first year of this annual downtown tradition. He was a friend to many, loved by all, almost like the beloved fairytale. Porridge takes care of people --his friends, his family, random women he meets on pub crawls... He's just a good guy. I was constantly being introduced to new people, had a drink in my hand, my friends were treated like family. A good time was had by all.

The next day, Porridge and I decided to have a lazy Sunday (non-drunken) afternoon in Capitola, followed by sushi. He was attentive, opened the car door, etc. I liked this, but it also made me uncomfortable. I'm not used to someone trying to take care of me. I think this is my problem, and no fault of porridge, who just wishes everyone to have a nice warm breakfast on a cold morning.

Maybe I'm the cold porridge.

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