Thursday, November 09, 2006

Cereal dating

I've made an important decision. I'm going to start cereal dating. That's right "cereal" dating. I like all kinds of cereal, and I've decided to try and figure out what kinds of cereal are out there, and take a chance in trying as many new cereals as possible.

I used to like the typical cereals, back when I had a perfect impression of how breakfast should be. I liked Cheerios, Rice Crispies, generally. Now these varieties seem a little boring to me, even if Mom and Dad like them.

I've tried Honey Nut Cheerios, which are like Cheerios, only sweeter. They are also more fattening than regular Cheerios and don't have much in the way of nutritional value... oh, but they try to tempt with the cute little bee on the front. Oh, I'm not falling for that! Damned BEE!

I'm also a fan of rugged varieties like Grape Nuts. You have to be careful of the Grape Nuts. You really only need a little bowl to get a hearty helping of morning nutrition. If you pour yourself more than a small dose, the cereal gets soggy and the milk gets warm. Arg. I hate that. If you leave it for five minutes, it becomes a bunch of congealed gunk and you have to throw it away.

Oatmeal is another popular seasonal varietal. It's meaty, sugary, HOT and brown. It takes a little extra effort, but putting in the correct amount of water makes huge difference. You don't want to put in too little and have crunchy oatmeal, and you certainly don't want to overcook it to where it hardens around the edges.

I often go for the flake/dried fruit combo cereals, like Trader Joe's Cranberry Crunch or Raisin Bran, but am also finding these to get old pretty quickly too. It's a great combo - a hearty crunch with a little bit of sweet in there, but again, you have to watch out for soggy flakes.

I don't even try children's cereals like Cap'n Crunch (which can't spell) or Lucky Charms anymore. They were ok at a younger age, but I've outgrown fake little marshmallows and prizes at the bottom of the box. The prize is always some crappy plastic thing - very disappointing.

If anyone has any cereals that I could try out, please let me know.


sarah said...

Too freakin' funny. My hat is off to you for this one.

I'll let you know if I think of any "cereals."

Anonymous said...

Just found yer blog, glad I did. I, too, have recently thought about dating cereals other than the ususal suspects. I was unimpressed with my first cereal date of the movement though, Life. I applaud you for giving this the definition of cereal dating! toocute!

Maybe you could try changing it up with yogurt? Some granola or anything with dried berries over vanilla yogurt can be some yummy satisfaction. Think of me if you try it out. :-) I'll be watching your blog for updates...