Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Cinnamon Texas Toast Crunch

I know. This cereal doesn't really exist, but let's put it this way -- Cinnamon Toast Crunch is a Texan, a little younger than what I usually go for, but I found it to have a sweet and crunchy appeal (with a slightly thicker texture), so I'm willing to overlook his child-like appeal, for now. I'm also willing to overlook the fact that he went to law school, and I've had little luck with lawyers. (After the awkward kissing situation, RC and I never called each other.) They always seem a little dry...

CTTC took me to E&O for dinner followed by beers at a local Irish pub on the Tuesday before Christmas. (This was the only time we had to get together before the impending holidays.) He was the most outgoing lawyer I've every met, and I let him know that by saying, "You are the most outgoing lawyer I've every met!"

There was never a lack of conversation, we even talked over each other a bit. I gave him my Schtick about higher education, blah, blah, blah and he played along, telling me about his experiences at Notre Dame, etc. He was not offended by my lack of football knowledge. We discussed the law profession, and law in non-profit and performing arts organizations. We also hit pop culture and family values. We had a very open conversation about sex in relationships. He looked me in the eye when he talked to me, and asked me questions. I asked him questions. It was a freakin' 2-WAY CONVERSATION! OMG!

During the date I went back and forth with the age discrimination. (I was discriminating.) This guy has had a LOT of schooling -- he's obviously very intelligent, but has he really LIVED? Does he really know what he is looking for in life? He's traveled, lived in different states, has a large family, many interests and is a pretty happy-go-lucky guy. (I hate that expression.) Maybe I'm the one who is slightly jaded and I should be happy that CTTC is not.

It was a fun Monday night, and I went home with a smile on my face. Since the date, I went home to corn country and he spent his holidays in Texas. He phoned last night and is interested in getting together when he returns to CA tomorrow. To be continued...


I'm meeting out-of-towner Special K for dinner tonight (Tuesday). Will I EVER see this guy on a weekend?

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Did anyone else notice that I changed the day of the date somehow from Tuesday night to Monday night? Damn, I was dating so many people that I was starting to lose track of the day.