Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I am now the proud owner of. . .

TWO gym memberships! That's right. No excuse not to work out like a mad-woman!

I know I gave Golds Gym quite a crappy review a few years ago. I still think it's a smelly gym compared to my beloved Club One. Sometimes, it's not the place, but the person that makes all the difference. There are two very important people in my life affiliated with Gold's. The first is my boyfriend, who needs to exercise his body as well as his brain while in graduate school. The second is a friend who teaches a fantastic power yoga class, and has talked me into getting certified to teach a few group classes myself.

Don't get too excited about yours truly becoming the next Jackie Warner (my female crush). I got the reading materials and DVDs from my friend last weekend, and I intend to read through, and just go from there. Because I don't have a degree in physiology or fitness, and I don't have any world records or big athletic achievements to speak of, my friend advised against personal training certification. She said that teaching classes is much more structured, guaranteed pay, and a good way to get my feet wet. This is opposed to having clients that drop like flies because 80% of them don't want to work out anyway. (I agree this would frustrate me.)

I don't know if fitness can be a career, but studying will give me some knowledge about my own fitness, and maybe certification could lead to a few more dollars in my pocket. Baby steps.

Because I know you miss my week in reviews:
3 weeks LOW/NO cheese
0 change in my weight (I'm still holding at 134)
6 training sessions completed with Dan
0 training sessions left with Dan :(

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