Thursday, May 22, 2008

May (in pictures)

I ran Pat's Run again this year, albeit not as quickly as last year. My mojo is lacking right now, and I can't quite figure out why. My mileage is good, but I'm having issues with speed. (I can just hear Maverick right now "I feel the need, the need for speed." )Anyway, it was a lovely morning, and a very well-organized event. They found a high school anthem singer who actually sang in tune instead of hiring some "American Idol" wannabe. Very nice. It was a good day to wake up at 6:00 and exercise with friends, followed by the eating of a massively caloric breakfast. :)

I also ran the 15th Annual Human Race of Silicon Valley to raise $$ for Choral Project. Also, time was a little slower than last year, but I can't let that get me down. I somehow raised more money this year than last year, probably by guilt-tripping my friends into saving arts organizations. What can I say? They need saving!

Finally, I went to a 10 year college reunion, but it wasn't mine. I'm still proud to have gone to a state school for my undergrad. Although I don't think my university would have the cash for such an event, at least not with an open bar. Dang, I must have graduated with 10,000 other people! Anyway, I DID give to my department this year and attended their annual alumni and friends event where I was the youngest person there by at LEAST 30 years. Next year, I'm guilt-tripping my artist friends into going. :)

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