Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fabulous Friday: Random Fabulousness

Oh you thought I was finished being fabulous on Fridays... well, I'm not. So there. :)

I ran 12 miles for the first time on Memorial Day. I thought it was more like 9, but lo and behold, the map told me differently. I guess I was running for about 2 hours, so that would make sense. Every time I push it a little, my right ankle starts causing some shin splits, so I have to take it easier than I'd like for a couple of days afterwards. At least I know I'll finish a half marathon in 2 weeks! Woo!

Organic eating is still fun. I even tried to make my own pasta sauce tonight. It wasn't great, but it was an attempt at cooking, which is a huge feat for me.

A work fundraiser proved to be a good time, and I feel inspired to keep schmoozing for a living. I like people. People like me.

The next two weeks will be filled with thesis writing. I'm having some problems putting all of the information together. (Problem, I hear, most people have when going through this process.) After that - summer is here! I'm trying to convince a girlfriend that we need to go to Mexico in August. I need a vaca.


1 comment:

Helga said...

Go on, girl! I can't wait to hear how the half goes. Now that my injury seems to be better, I'm hoping to do another one myself.