Sunday, October 21, 2007

Halloween Fun

I usually am not a big fan of holidays. Even Halloween. Two years ago I went to happy hour with a co-worker and didn't make it past 9:30 to attend a costumed celebration. Last year was a HUGE step up when I pulled out the ole' Junior year prom dress (happily I fill it out now... woot woo *whistle*), made a sash and went out in Los Gatos as Miss Idahoe (yes, with an "e"). Only the "Los Gatos Trophy Wives" could outdo me. Anyway, the girlfriend I was out with ended up persuading two out-of-town guys to hang out with us, and the night ended up with my saying, "Um, yeah, I'm tired. Why don't we take you guys back to your hotel."

I'm truly a mother hen.

So, this year I'm going to two, yes TWO Halloween celebrations and I'm going to have a good time if it kills me. The first party is a singles celebration on the peninsula, the second, a friendly bash with MBA students. WOOT! I'm also not going to join the ranks of slutty Halloween nurses, maids, devils or cats and think up an original costume. If I can't think of anything by Friday, well, Miss Idahoe deserves another reign? Dontcha think?

Miss Idahoe, from Iowa City, Ohio:
She's a much better public speaker than Miss Teen South Carolina.

1 comment:

Chino XL said...

I know You Da Hoe, but do you really feel the need to advertise it on a sash? Miss ya Suzie. I'll be there in a week!