Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Working my ass on

I'm not sure whose butt actually gets smaller as they get fit. Mine does not. My backside only gets larger and more muscly. (Is that even a word?) I'm not complaining, although I wish my belly would get smaller. Yep, it's the same size. My belly is affectionately called "the bagel" at my house. Roll me in sesame seeds and it looks like a sesame seed bagel. Sorry for the visual. :)

The good news is, I've been mixing up the routine big time over the past couple of months. A typical schedule is:

Mondays: 1 mile, 3 sets of TRX, 1 mile, 3 sets TRX, 1 mile, 3 sets TRX, (maybe another mile), stretch
Tuesday: 3-4 miles and weights
Wednesday: spinning
Thursday: off or TRX and running
Friday: off or TRX and running
Saturday: yoga and or a boot camp class
Sunday: long run

Now my goal is to up the miles (longer cardio), and/or include more biking or swimming while keeping on the TRX and weight routine. I figure this will add 20 minutes to each work out. I'm already signed up for swim lessons starting at the end of June.

I met with Kolleen again yesterday for another health assessment. My blood pressure is the same, I've lost one whole pound, BUT . . . I've lost 2% body fat since March. Woo hoo! 2%, 2%, 2%, YAY! It would be great to get down to 19%. I'd be stoked with 18%, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

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